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Thank You for Attending
Thank you to everyone who came to Speakeasy at Door 301.
What a fantastic show of support from our school and our community.
We look forward to bringing more fun next year.
In the meantime please feel free to support our 2020 Fund A Need campaign by increasing STEM education at OLMC! With funding from last year and your support, we’ve brought JavaScript programming to grades 6-8, and we’ve brought after-school LEGO robotics teams to all grades.
Help us carry these programs into future years, expanding into additional grades, and broadening the curriculum to both software and hardware. We’ll bring programming to younger grades, and we’ll bring robotics into the classroom. These are the tools of the future and necessary components of any school that seeks to thrive in Silicon Valley. Help us make STEM a permanent part of the future of our school.
Thank you to the following advertisers for making our event a continued success.
The Amirkhan Family